Tag: america

  • Tropical Storm Olivia Touches Down in Hawaii


    Tropical Storm Olivia made landfall Wednesday on Hawaii’s island of Maui, passed south of Oahu and weakened as it dumped moderate to heavy rain that flooded roads. A tropical storm warning was canceled for Oahu and Maui County. The storm, which also passed over Lanai, had maximum sustained winds of 40 mph and was moving […]

  • What is the effect of aluminum beverage cans on the environment?


    By Adrian McDemortt Each year, more than 40 million aluminum beverage cans find the way to landfills in America. This amounts to more than 120 cans for every American. Aluminum is the most commonly found metal on Earth. It is the third most commonly available element after oxygen and silicon. Bauxite is the most common […]

  • Plastic Water Bottles – Pollution Statistics


    By Alex Mardikian When it comes to polluting our planet, plastic water bottles are major offenders. Each year, 29 billion water bottles are sold across America.  Approximately, one out of every 6 bottles is recycled. Plastic does not biodegrade. Indeed, it does not even completely degrade. All the plastic that has ever been produced is […]

  • Food Waste in America Causing Environmental Harm


    Our species is pretty good at wasting food. Some we discard at the farm for being undersized or oddly shaped. Others we allow to decay in their shipping containers, thrown away before they even reach shelves. We leave even more foodstuffs wasting away in grocery stores, often by letting it sit there until it reaches […]

  • How to Really Get Americans to Recycle!


    In 2010, Pepsi set a goal: The company wanted to help raise the recycling rate for drink containers in the U.S. from around 38% to 50%. The company and PepsiCo Foundation spent $55 million on recycling efforts, from the Dream Machine–a kiosk that with rewards for recycled bottles–to support for the Closed Loop Fund, which […]

  • NC Recycling-Garbage Facility Catches Fire


    Despite the destruction caused by a massive fire on Friday night at North Davidson Garbage and Recycling Center, Bradley Everhart, co-owner of, said they will carry on. “It will be business as usual on Monday,” Everhart said. “Recycling and trash will be picked up, it might be a little later than usual. We are going […]

  • Plumbers Expected to be in High Demand in Coming Years


    Just when you thought the worker shortage couldn’t get any more vexing, be advised that we are running out of plumbers. According to the Copper Development Association (CDA), over one half of America’s trade professionals are near retirement age and only 3 percent of the surveyed 18 to 25 year olds would consider a career […]

  • Washington Turing Trash Into Treasure by Recycling “Ghost Ship”


    On the banks of the Hoquiam River in southwestern Washington, a mostly sunken vessel lies along a bank at an angle with only its mast and the top of its pilothouse marking its resting place. This stretch of river is a misty, placid working patch of water marked with boats, boatyards and Highway 101 bridges. The […]

  • Section 199A Pass-Through Deduction Proposed by Treasury


    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law last December, provided qualified pass-through businesses with a 20 percent deduction, bringing the effective tax rate for those businesses down to 29.6 percent.   The law established conditions that would have to be met for a company to qualify for the deduction, and it expressly excluded most […]

  • America’s hottest export? Sperm


    An American and a Danish company dominate the global sperm market – and both claim their supply is biggest Ella Rasmussen’s doctors started to prod her about children when she turned 30. She was single, suffered from endometriosis, and contemplated a hysterectomy. After several years, the nudges took hold. Because she wasn’t a good candidate […]
