Tag: ICOMethod

  • What is a Bounty Program? Steps to make a successful Bounty Program


    I am going to share some ideas to run ICO bounty from my personal experience & Knowledge! Hope it will works for you! The cryptocurrency industry is growing by leaps and bounds. The cryptocurrency enthusiasts are growing proportionally. It is no longer hidden that these enthusiasts are striving to come up with blockchain or cryptocurrency based […]

  • The 5-Point Crypto Decentralization Checklist


    In our last piece, we outlined some of the likeliest ways in which cryptocurrencies tend to exhibit centralization. Whether a particular cryptocurrency can be considered “sufficiently decentralized,” however, is not something that’s set in stone — no official metric exists to determine such a parameter. But given the crucial role that decentralization plays within the blockchain ecosystem, it […]

  • How Doomed are Token Startups?


    According to a recent Chinese Report: blockchain projects go from boom to bust in 15 months. That’s a lifecycle for a crypto startup of 450 days. A Chinese government analysis has concluded the average lifespan of a blockchain project is 1.22 years, sources report May 28. As Bitcoin remains in a cloud of manipulation, ICOs are set to […]

  • Smart Contracts and Legal Challenges


    Blockchain is almost everywhere these days. There is an undeniable hype around it and only the time will show us in which fields this technology will manage to survive. One of the most cited applications of the Blockchain technology is smart contracts, introduced with the Ethereum blockchain, then copied and used in different blockchain-based platforms. […]

  • The Future of Money Transfer: RTGS and Blockchain


    The evolution of the world’s money payment and transfer methods (from the perspective of individuals) has developed drastically over the decades. Throughout the evolution, there has been four different phases. Barter, the first phase, extended from 9000 BC up until 600 BC. In this process, goods were exchanged directly between people. This system, however, had […]

  • RIP Crypto


    Altcoins are dying a coin and code death faster than ever before. The cryptocurrency market is sadly tethered to Bitcoin’s price. Bitcoin’s price is probably at the mercy of large-scale market manipulation and cryptic factors that even the crypto frauds and “decentralization” pretenders can’t simulate. However, the RIP Crypto title here is still just a meme. […]

  • How to get widespread adoption: Improve the notoriously bad UI/UX in crypto-investing


    By Laura Desmond Trading can be nerve-racking at its best, terrifying at its worst The user experience for trading cryptocurrency is not conducive to getting new users actively involved. There is no shortage of horror stories regarding hacked centralized exchanges, sending funds to the wrong address, and losing private keys. Some of the biggest problems are […]

  • The Bazaar of Data


    Have you ever been to the Bazaar*? It is an endless oriental market that you can stroll around for days finding something new around every corner. Full of goods, species and tastes. Even if you have never actually experienced it, you probably saw an example of one in the Aladin movies, and it’s good enough […]

  • How cryptocurrencies actually work


    By Laura Desmond A simplified introduction to transactions and ledgers Prior articles posted described how to build a simple blockchain and how to learn how to code elliptic curve cryptography. This gave the step by step guide on how to implement some basic functions of blockchain technology. I would kindly recommend to read those articles first […]

  • What on Earth happened to ICOs?


    Keep your pants on for now. ICOs are having a hard time, but they are not dead. The ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) are in deep trouble. When a year ago a typical shelf company with 20 selfies as a team and shady whitepaper with no product, no money and no skills could raise millions of $. […]
