Tag: Star

  • Small Galaxy Pairs May Fuel Star Birth In Their Larger Neighbors, Finds New Study


    Astronomers discovered that pairs of small colliding galaxies can feed their larger neighbors with gas, thereby nourishing star formation in other galaxies. Astronomers have uncovered that small galactic mergers can play an important part in fueling larger galaxies with gas, providing them with precious material that goes into the making of stars. The finding belongs […]

  • Star swings around black hole, tests gravity


    Astronomers have seen a star’s light redden as it passed our galaxy’s central black hole, as predicted Scientists have Einstein right where they want him. Today in Garching, Germany, Reinhard Genzel (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany) and his colleagues announced that they have detected the shift in a star’s light caused by the […]
