Tag: Success

  • A Simple 3-Step Process to Achieving Greatness


    If you want to reach your goals, you have to follow the process. I know it seems cliché to say you have the power to create your own success. But, clichés are clichés for a reason. And the simple truth is you do have that power. We all do, and it involves the simple, everyday decisions that we […]

  • 35% of US businesses now use targeted mobile ads


    Over a third (35.5%) of US companies are now using mobile adverts and location targeting to reach audiences based on geo-fencing and geo-targeting, according to new research by BIA Advisory Services. The latest report suggests that businesses with over 500 employees were spending around $4.48 million on ads. Another $2.18 million was being allocated to […]

  • Does Risk-Taking Really Lead to Success? That Depends.


    Open risk-taking is a bad idea. But calculated risk-taking is something else again. It’s not uncommon to hear the advice that entrepreneurs should take more calculated risks if they want to be successful. In fact, some billionaires have built their personal brands on a foundation of risk; as an example, Richard Branson often speaks of the […]

  • Find a place for your stuff


    And that place might be social media Much like the late comedian George Carlin, Gene Petrov wanted “a place for my stuff.” For Petrov, that locale was online. “I found my place on social media and you can too,” he said. Petrov taught himself social media and marketing. Now he runs his namesake Gene Petrov Leadership and Marketing Consulting. […]

  • The United States of Brand-Building


    By Laura Desmond On bone saws, Khashoggi, and foreign policy Editor’s Note: No Mercy/No Malice is a column from Professor Scott Galloway, where he shares various reflections on business, tech, and life each week. Feelings are biochemical mechanisms that all mammals and birds use in order to quickly calculate probabilities of survival and reproduction. Feelings […]

  • 3 Ways to Clarify Your Authentic Personal Brand and Why You Need To


    Being ‘authentic’ is not just a nice idea, but something that has a massive effect on your health, mental state and even longevity. As well as that, developing a strong sense of your own authentic brand unleashes you onto the world in a wonderful new way. That is, if you do it right. It has […]

  • Innovation Isn’t About Ideas


    It’s about solving problems and doing hard things first Every enterprise needs to innovate. It doesn’t matter whether you’re are a profit-seeking business, a nonprofit organization, or a government entity. The simple truth is that every business model fails eventually, because conditions change over time. We have to manage not for stability, but for disruption — that, or face […]

  • 7 Counterintuitive Rules for Growing Your Business Super-Fast


    By Patrick Hall To achieve ‘blitzscaling,’ you have to go against common sense When it comes to startups, there’s growth, and then there’s ultra-rapid growth—what I like to call “blitzscaling.” Blitzscaling a company isn’t easy; if it were, everyone would do it. Like most things of value in this world, blitzscaling is contrarian. To succeed, you’ll have […]

  • What is a Bounty Program? Steps to make a successful Bounty Program


    I am going to share some ideas to run ICO bounty from my personal experience & Knowledge! Hope it will works for you! The cryptocurrency industry is growing by leaps and bounds. The cryptocurrency enthusiasts are growing proportionally. It is no longer hidden that these enthusiasts are striving to come up with blockchain or cryptocurrency based […]

  • How To Get Your Sales And Marketing Teams Aligned For Success


    Seriously, can’t we all just get along? I mean, with all the tech and communication tools available today, isn’t it time sales and marketing teams got aligned once and for all. Now, there are a lot of great organizational ideas on how to align sales and marketing teams. For example, combine the teams into a […]
