Environmental Activists Create Giant Plastic Monster to Remind Nestlé About Their Contribution to Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is an urgent issue that is harming the planetary ecosystem, killing marine life, and impacting land animals as well as communities. While we can do our best to avoid plastic and reduce our reliance on plastic products, a shift on an industry level is needed. Nestlé, for instance, produces 1.5 million tons of single-use plastic products annually. That’s why environmental organization, Greenpeace created a stark reminder telling them to take responsibility.

Greenpeace took plastic from streets, rivers, and beaches across the country and used it to create a 15-foot-tall plastic monster that they delivered to Nestlé’s US headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Greenpeace Plastics Campaigner, Kate Melges said, “It’s time for Nestlé to end its reliance on single-use plastics and move toward systems of reuse. Nestlé has created a monster by producing endless quantities of throwaway plastics that persist in our environment for lifetimes. It’s time for the company to own its mess and stop pushing false solutions that will never solve this crisis.”

The giant plastic monster is meant to let Nestlé know that they should be doing more to reduce their carbon footprint and invest in methods other than single-use plastic. Greenpeace International Executive Director, Jennifer Morgan stated:

“People can see with their own eyes the damage plastic pollution is doing to our oceans, waterways and communities. We’ve all witnessed the way plastic is contaminating our precious biodiversity and are only just beginning to understand how it is impacting us […] It’s time for Nestlé to really take some responsibility for the magnitude of its contribution to the problem: it must be transparent and put forward a concrete action plan, with ambitious timelines, on how to reduce the production of throwaway packaging and invest in truly sustainable refill and reuse delivery systems.”

Late last year, Nestlé was named one of the worst three plastic polluters. As a multibillion dollar company and manufacturer responsible for this issue, they can really set the stage and lead by example if they shift towards a more eco-friendly approach to their products. They can certainly afford to invest in plastic alternatives and consumers would only appreciate the effort. We hope this plastic monster forces Nestlé to see that the world is watching and the environment needs them to do better.

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