Tag: Climate Change

  • How to Talk to Conservatives About Climate Change


    Conservatives perceive terrorism and crime to be much larger and more immediate threats than climate change. How can their minds change? The United States has a climate change acceptance problem. It’s elected a President who’s on record claiming global warming is a Chinese hoax. One of its two major political parties has “refusal to accept climate science” as a […]

  • Climate change driven by humans made heatwave ‘twice as likely’


    Climate change resulting from human activities made the current Europe-wide heatwave more than twice as likely to occur, say scientists Researchers compared the current high temperatures with historical records from seven weather stations, in different parts of Europe. Their preliminary report found that the “signal of climate change is unambiguous,” in this summer’s heat. They […]

  • Blockchain Used To Fight Against Climate Change

    by gulaiym

    Bitcoin, the much-hyped cryptocurrency, made headlines recently for driving a surge in power use. Around the globe, digital entrepreneurs are ‘mining’ Bitcoins by solving complex math problems, using supercomputers to get the job done. Those supercomputers use a ton of power, which largely comes form coal- and gas-fired power plants spewing gobs of carbon pollution. But, […]

  • Irish Business Hopes To Prevent Climate Change True Blockchain

    by gulaiym

    Blockchain as a core technology has the potential to reshape our lives, although most projects focus on the technology and how to disrupt mainstream industry. The underlying technology has not been tapped efficiently by founders to deliver Social Impact projects. Too many focus on using the ICO mechanism to raise the money and miss the potential to be […]
