Tag: content

  • Digital signage helps fight crime


    By  Laura Desmond In the movies, every hero needs a partner to help them fight crime. It’s no different in real life! But rather than calling upon a single costumed crusader, law enforcement and government officials increasingly depend on digital communications, especially digital signage. Digital display technology helps distribute updates, alerts, and critical information to the […]

  • Large UHD digital displays differentiate fashion retailers from the competition


    A storefront says a lot about a business, it is the first impression a customer will see of the brand. To create a positive perception, businesses need innovative digital displays. Retailers must present creative content to stand out among their competitors. One way they can do this is by leveraging digital displays to effectively promote […]

  • Major Content Delivery Network Introduces Decentralized Content Gateway


    By Laura Desmond Major U.S.-based content delivery network (CDN) CloudFlare has introduced a new decentralizedcontent gateway via its InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), the firm announced in a blog postSeptember 17. The announcement was made during Cloudflare Crypto Week, a week devoted to the adoption of new cryptography-powered technologies. Cloudflare’s IPFS Gateway is the first product to be released as a part […]

  • 5 Building Blocks of a Content Market Strategy Unique to Your Dispensary


    Let’s face it, you’re selling what everyone else is selling. Content strategy is how you persuade people to buy from you. Content is not just using words on your web page and throwing up keywords in a half-assed manner to trick search engines. Yes, while it’s important to have an on-point SEO strategy, which we’ll discuss […]

  • The 1 Thing Nobody Understands About Content Creation


    You’re asking the wrong question. Content creation isn’t about coming up with one brilliant idea. This is what very few people understand about winning the content creation game. You’re a designer. You’re a photographer. You’re a writer. You’re a columnist. You’re a creative agency. You’re creating content for your clients. Guess what — you’re all doing it wrong. […]

  • DiNapoli: Average Wall Street bonus rose 17 percent

    by gulaiym

    A second consecutive year of soaring profits on Wall Street pushed the average bonus paid to securities industry employees in New York City to more than $184,000 in 2017, New York state’s top elected fiscal officer reported Monday. The average bonus paid to brokers rose 17 percent to $184,220, state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said. Pretax […]

  • As Delta Air Lines INC Del (DAL) Valuation Declined, Md Sass Investors Services INC Decreased Its Holding


    Investors sentiment increased to 1.15 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.17, from 0.98 in 2017Q2. It improved, as 69 investors sold DAL shares while 247 reduced holdings. 92 funds opened positions while 271 raised stakes. 589.14 million shares or 3.18% less from 608.49 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Boothbay Fund Mngmt Ltd Limited Liability […]

  • Hawkish Fed Probably Worse For Market Than China ‘Trade War’


    The trade war drums beating from Washington to Beijing are getting louder, but this is not the orcs of Middle Earth storming out of the gate ready to crack heads. Everyone and their brother believes something’s got to give on intellectual property protections with regards to China. “The U.S. semiconductor industry shares the Trump Administration’s […]

  • Dollar stumbles as Fed stands pat on three rate hikes for 2018


    NEW YORK (Reuters) – The dollar recorded its largest one-day loss in two months against a basket of currencies on Wednesday as Federal Reserve officials stuck to their view of three rate increases for 2018 as they want to see a further pickup in inflation. The U.S. central bank as expected delivered a quarter point […]

  • Major retailers: New China tariffs will hurt shoppers


    Letter signed by 49 of the largest retailers NEW YORK (CNNMoney) – The nation’s largest retailers are asking President Donald Trump not to slap new tariffs on China. The Trump administration has already imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from most of the world, aimed primarily at curbing the excess production coming from China. […]
