Tag: plastic bags

  • Savers Thrift Store to Phase Out Plastic Bags!


    The Savers family of thrift stores announced it will phase out plastic bags from stores across the U.S. and Canada by the end of the year. The Savers family of thrift stores (Savers, Value Village, Village des Valeurs and Unique) announced the decision to phase out plastic bags from stores across the United States and […]

  • How to Reduce the Amount of Plastic You Throw Away


    Even if you do all your shopping with reusable bags, you’re going to end up with a bunch of plastic. Your bread comes in it, your toilet paper, your organic carrots and non-GMO freekeh from the bulk bin and no, it can’t be recycled with your bottles and cans. The same goes for all the […]

  • What You Recycle has an Impact on What Becomes New Products!


    If you want to make sure the paper products that you place at the front curb have a better chance of becoming new products, don’t even think about tossing plastic grocery bags or greasy pizza boxes in to your recycling bins. Chicago area recycling companies are urging residents and business to be mindful of what […]

  • Plastic bags: Charge could rise to 10p and be extended to all shops


    The plastic bag fee could be rising to 10p – with all shops in England having to charge. Since October 2015, customers have had to pay at least 5p for each single-use bag, with all retailers employing more than 250 people made to take part in the scheme. But now it might be extended to […]

  • Kroger Phasing Out Single-Use Plastic Bags


    The Kroger Co. announced it will phase out single-use plastic bags and transition to reusable bags across its family of stores by 2025. Seattle-based QFC will be the company’s first retail division to phase out single-use plastic bags. The company expects QFC’s transition to be completed in 2019. “As part of our Zero Hunger | Zero […]
