Lifestyle is the Real Solution for Health

Western medicine has some — for lack of a better term — “questionable” traditions that do not necessarily promote health. The intentions are good at the time. But when their own studies call their actions into question, they really need to take heed.

Doctors and scientists at my alma mater, the Mayo Clinic, did a study that showed an association between hysterectomies and increased risks of cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

This was in women who had hysterectomies with ovarian conservation — that means they left the ovaries in but removed the uterus. Hysterectomies are the second most common gynecological surgery performed in the United States, as it has always been assumed that it would reduce chronic health risks.

The authors of the study stated that the reasons for removal of the uterus (hysterectomies), such as fibroids, prolapse, and endometriosis, should be treated with non-surgical intervention first before resorting to invasive procedures.

These non-surgical interventions include lifestyle changes. Jumping right to surgery is yet another example of aggressive, money-making interventions in our medical system that can cause more harm than good.

The real solution to health is lifestyle. What you do every day makes the difference between disease and health. Medical procedures are very rarely the answer. Do not expect that medicine will make your life better. Only you can do that.

Dr. Warren Willey is a Pocatello physician. Visit his website at

