Astrology of Today – Tuesday, April 3, 2018


You have a stronger need for strategy in your life today, dear Aries, but there is a tendency to rush things anyhow. If rushing makes you skip steps, try to slow down. In the first half of the day, you might learn of something helpful that was previously hidden or private. As the day advances, it’s difficult to concentrate. Responsibilities and demands from others seem to be flying at you from all directions. A chaotic atmosphere can erode at you as the day progresses, so do what you can to take short breaks in order to get centered. While you could feel pressured to make a decision or a statement, it may be better to hold off doing so until you are in a more objective frame of mind. Since Mercury is retrograde in your sign and Mars is in your sector of career, authority, and rules, the tendency may be to resist others’ wishes or to push an idea when people are too absorbed in their desires to give yours due consideration. You may be provocative now, whether it’s your intention or not. Consider avoiding words you may later regret and conflicts with authority figures. Try not to feel pressured to take action when you’re not fully aware of all the angles of a situation.


The Moon spends another day in your opposite sign, dear Taurus, and your emotional focus continues to be on others or a new perspective of your life. As the day advances, a Mercury-Mars square becomes more precise, and with Mercury retrograde, there can be some real tensions or missteps. You might want to avoid quick decisions and drawing hasty conclusions right now. Objectivity can be difficult to achieve today – information is missing or incorrect, for example. Or, impatience clouds our ability to see the best course of action. Watch for being too adamant about your beliefs or for pushing an idea that others may not be ready for. Interactions with others can be a little edgy and differences of opinion can seem more glaring, hard to overlook, and problematic than they would be on another day.


The Moon spends another day in your work and health sector, dear Gemini, and you’re inclined to make good use of your time by fixing problems and feeling accomplished as a result. Keeping yourself busy and willingness to play a supportive role seem to be the best strategies at this phase in the lunar month. As the day advances, we’re influenced by a tense aspect between Mars and retrograde Mercury, which can stimulate impatience. Consider that you may be putting too much pressure on yourself (and possibly others) to do things quickly. Pay extra attention to what you say, and be especially cautious getting from one place to another, just to be on the safe side since the chance of errors runs a little higher than usual. Let your ideas mature before sharing, as you might be subject to criticism which can weaken your motivation. Dreams are sometimes best kept to yourself until they take better form. Chances run high that you do not see things especially clearly right now, and the same goes with others.


As the Moon aligns with Jupiter in your solar fifth house today, dear Cancer, you can enjoy happier moods and a stronger ability to take daily affairs in stride. However, as the day progresses, there is a Mercury-Mars square in effect that tends to wind us up. More can be less if you can’t decide because of too many choices now. Know your boundaries and enforce them today, and watch for decision making that isn’t based on fact or that feels premature in your gut. You may not be seeing essential details and should probably be careful not to come on too insistently with authority figures or in professional dealings. It’s best not to force issues. Partnerships can suffer from irritability if you or a partner doesn’t know where to direct excess energy. Disagreements tend to come from rushing and impatience, so you might want to make a point of slowing down and do your best not to jump to conclusions. You can also choose to allow stressors motivate you to work on something on your own or to set your own pace, which can be satisfying.

You’re likely to require more time to regroup, renew, and relax today with the Moon once again in your home and family sector, dear Leo. As the day advances, a Mercury-Mars square can increase the possibility of errors due to impatience. Compounding this is Mercury’s retrograde. Try to avoid speaking and acting hastily, as there is a real chance that what we see now is incomplete or misleading. This aspect can create an atmosphere of nervous tension. You might lose patience and feel pressured to make a decision. This can very well lead to positive things, such as finally taking action on a matter you left hanging, but it can also lead to hasty decisions or unnecessary arguments. Jumping into action before getting all the facts can be costly now. Chances are that a difference of opinion can bother you more than it would usually because you feel rushed in other areas of life. Try to pull back on the pressure and don’t overload yourself with things to do.

The spends the day in your communications sector and aligns with Jupiter, dear Virgo, expanding your sense of emotional satisfaction from learning, connecting, and communicating. Even so, it’s a busy day, and the trick will be to keep your head on straight! Mercury forms a square to Mars, and with Mercury retrograde, there can be aggravation coupled with a lack of information. It’s time to reconsider your plans and make sure they truly align with your deepest desires. This transit can aggravate ego issues. We may feel we are right and perhaps communicate too quickly under this influence. Aim to observe rather than act impulsively now. There can be some pressure to make last-minute decisions, but you may not be entirely equipped to make healthy ones just for now. It can be especially important that you avoid cutting words with people you care about. Be particularly careful when it comes to expressing yourself with a lover or with someone about an intimate or tricky matter. One could be playful and tease while the other can be taking things quite seriously. Use the competitive energy you feel to work on a productive project. Feeling on edge can be a difficult state to turn into a positive, but it’s also entirely possible with determination.

The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, dear Libra, aligning with Jupiter there and it’s a time for appreciating what you have and looking for ways to boost your feelings of security and comfort. You crave and need some predictability. As the day advances, we’re influenced by a Mercury-Mars square transit, and it’s wise to be careful about how and what you communicate. Aggravation is too easily communicated now, and we may not have the full picture of a situation, which inclines us to draw the wrong conclusions. You may want to prepare for the need to adjust your schedule, as wires can get crossed today and plans can turn around. This is not an objective time! Others can seem especially demanding later today, or, you might be expecting a lot from them. While competition can motivate you to improve your game, defensiveness and impatience should be tamed. Differences of opinion might be taken very personally today.

The Moon transits your sign again today, dear Scorpio, and your emotional desires and personal needs are upfront and center. Allow your emotions to report to you rather than rule you for best results now. As the day advances, we are increasingly influenced by a Mercury-Mars square. Particularly with retrograde Mercury in your nitpicky sixth house and Mars in your communication sector, there can be a lot of agitation now. Keep in mind that misunderstandings are highly likely now – people may not mean what they say or say what they mean. You could feel provoked or up in arms about a situation. Watch for hasty actions and reactions, particularly verbal ones, but also quick moves and decisions. Try not to succumb to pressure to decide as the facts are not all in front of you. There is more to the story! Changes in your daily schedule can frustrate you but are likely necessary in the long run.

The Moon spends another day in your soul sector, dear Sagittarius, and you may be a little withdrawn, but for the most part, enjoying this frame of mind! You might thoroughly enjoy a breather or healthy escape from the demands of daily life. However, as the day advances, a Mercury-Mars square becomes more precise, and there may be delays or tension related to miscommunication. It may be all too easy to get thoroughly worked up over something that may not honestly matter in the long run. Try not to rush into making a statement or taking action. Information before you is likely to be incomplete. If you use the competitive energy to improve your understanding of a situation or to step up your game, you are in a good place. Take extra care getting around, concluding, and communicating just to be safe.

You can feel a compelling desire to diversify, experiment, and enjoy new or unusual experiences today, dear Capricorn. Common philosophies and beliefs are apparent to you now, likely because you are seeking them out. However, as the day advances, a Mercury-Mars square becomes more precise, and you can feel tense — as if something is missing or out of place. There can be boredom with your routines, but you should be careful that you don’t make too much mischief because of these feelings, as these can invite conflict with others today. Focus can be on past problems that now return. The temptation to push a matter or to jump into action before getting all the facts is strong but is probably unwise. Dissatisfaction with the status quo can be at the heart of restlessness now, but take your time on a plan of action that will get you out of a rut. It may very well be that you’re putting too much pressure on yourself. Concentrate on only the most critical tasks instead of spreading yourself too thin today.

The Moon spends another day in your career and reputation sector, dear Aquarius. The Moon’s alignment with Jupiter can help you enjoy working towards your goals and responsibilities. You may be feeling more appreciated for what you do. As the day advances, a Mercury-Mars square becomes more precise, and the chances of tripping up run high due to impatience or perhaps ego matters. You may want to avoid anger triggers if you can. Speaking too soon about an issue is not a good idea now. This transit can be, on the one hand, motivating if you need a push to step up your game, but frustrating on the other if pressure builds and you feel the need to make a hasty decision. There may be a frustrating problem from the past that hasn’t been resolved that is nagging at you or driving decisions. Don’t expect others to read your mind today, even if you think the signals you’re giving them are loud and clear. Ask for what you want instead, or wait until a better day to go after what you want.


You might be attracted to a cause that inspires or expands your worldview today, dear Pisces, or enjoy a pleasant conversation or come across information that inspires your or encourages an interest. However, a Mercury-Mars square becomes more precise as the day advances, and circumstances may very well get you into a bit of a tizzy. Turning to others for a sense of stability could be a lesson in frustration as well. If you’re facing unresponsiveness or defensiveness, wait for a better day to tackle major issues, as blockages are very likely to be felt right now. People seem to either be spilling too much or omitting important details. It’s a good idea to avoid impulsive purchases, decisions, and communications. An issue surrounding values, money, or questions of ownership can be in focus for you. You can also be temperamental about whether others value and respect you. It’s likely that information before us now is incomplete, so you may want to wait to draw important conclusions until you have more facts and more patience


