How to ensure security of your digital signage network?

By Alex Mardikian

With digital signage, you can reach out to potentially thousands of people. You don’t want the communication to be sabotaged in any way. Not just your communication with an audience, a security lapse or hack can place sensitive data at risk and seriously impact not just a brand’s value but also its finances.

It is vitally important that you control access to the information. Physical security of the database and regular maintenance to detect flaws or attempted break-ins by cyber criminals should be done as a matter of course.

It is not too far-fetched a scenario in which a person walks up to a display and unplugs the player holding the existing content and plugs his own matter in there. The most basic step in digital signage security, therefore, is to regulate physical access to the devices.

All computer connectivity to the screens should ideally be hidden and kept in locked enclosures. The screens must be secured to a wall.

Strip the OS to only the code that is required to run the service. Make it difficult for hackers to find a way in. With less software present, the OS will work smoothly and fast. Disable network ports not required; if you can, then use software that does not require connectivity via ports. Use a firewall.

If you’re using third-party applications, then work only with those partners that value security. SSL certified applications must be preferred. Check if applications that you use come with built-in encryption capabilities.

The most important thing to consider with digital signage is that this system cannot work in isolation. It draws information and signals from other connected systems. Data, therefore, has to perforce travel over a network. And this is where a significant amount of vulnerability exists. This must be plugged.

Stay updated on best practices related to digital signage network security.

With VODXS, you have a great opportunity to communicate with a diverse and targeted audience. Don’t let the chance go abegging by being casual about digital signage security.

