Thermal Management for Digital Signage

By Alex Mardikian

Thermal management for digital signage solutions is essential if you wish for a solution that will last long and perform optimally.

Factors that influence the heat generated during the working of a digital signage screen include the type of electronics used, the temperature at which the system operates, location, exposure to sunlight, mounting type, enclosure construction, and cooling installed.

While there are guidelines for thermal management, there are no fixed rules as requirements vary with the installation. The vendor needs to take into consideration the heating and cooling requirements and ensure proper airflow.

LCD digital screens customized for use can operate in a temperature range of -30 degrees Celsius to 55 degrees Celsius. Don’t be in a hurry to get the project up and going. You need to have the right configuration of displays, players, and enclosures so that the system works as desired.

You must take into account all the variables and scenarios that may affect the working of the signage placed outdoors. For example, what happens if the internal temperature exceeds the external temperature? Research shows that a rise of every degree in operating temperature reduces the life of electronic equipment. If you have a number of signages placed across locations and they suffer such shortening of lives, you are not only looking at additional costs and a low ROI but also your marketing campaigns going awry.

Another thing to remember is that if you don’t take care of the digital signage system and provide it with appropriate thermal insulation, then the issues that crop up may not be covered under warranty. If exposed to humidity and freezing conditions, the electronics will suffer just as they would under extreme heat. Again, you stand to lose the cover offered by warranties.

Work with a reputable LCD enclosure designer and manufacturer to ensure appropriate temperature regulation according to the season and time of the day. Filters, air curtains, and air conditioners can ensure proper temperature regulation by dissipating heat and aiding circulation. Along with these, you may want to understand the benefits of foam insulation, internal heating and plenum chambers. You can deploy temperature regulating equipment depending upon the temperature range over which you want the equipment to function.

Outdoor signage can be an integral part of a DOOH marketing campaign, especially when businesses can leverage VODXS faucet ad systems to have a personalized conversation with people.

