Tag: driver jobs

  • Food Waste in America Causing Environmental Harm


    Our species is pretty good at wasting food. Some we discard at the farm for being undersized or oddly shaped. Others we allow to decay in their shipping containers, thrown away before they even reach shelves. We leave even more foodstuffs wasting away in grocery stores, often by letting it sit there until it reaches […]

  • Defining What is Recyclable in America


    Ah, the question we’ve all asked at least once while staring over the recycling bin: “Is [Product X] recyclable?” If only it were a yes-or-no question. The latest effort to define recyclability came in July 2018, when The Association of Plastic Recyclers released a set of four conditions that would determine if plastics are considered […]

  • How to Really Get Americans to Recycle!


    In 2010, Pepsi set a goal: The company wanted to help raise the recycling rate for drink containers in the U.S. from around 38% to 50%. The company and PepsiCo Foundation spent $55 million on recycling efforts, from the Dream Machine–a kiosk that with rewards for recycled bottles–to support for the Closed Loop Fund, which […]

  • How to Reduce the Amount of Plastic You Throw Away


    Even if you do all your shopping with reusable bags, you’re going to end up with a bunch of plastic. Your bread comes in it, your toilet paper, your organic carrots and non-GMO freekeh from the bulk bin and no, it can’t be recycled with your bottles and cans. The same goes for all the […]

  • Solar Panels are Getting Harder to Recycle


    Solar panels are becoming less and less recyclable as the need for recycling them looms more and more. The United States installs 7 million pounds per day of solar panels, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a pace that secures only fourth place among countries for installed capacity. Those panels are built to last 30 years, which foretells […]

  • How to Recycle Toothbrushes


    Depending on your local recycling center, you can’t toss your toothbrush into the recycling bin. Well you can, but you’ll just be adding trash for the workers to pick out. And you shouldn’t throw your toothpaste tube in the bin either. But you can mail them to a specialized recycling center for free, with a […]

  • What You SHOULD Recycle!


    The company says all recyclables should be empty, clean and dry — meaning they are free of food and liquid. Never put recyclables in bags or containers. Items you can put in your recycling bin: Paper and cardboard Metal cans Plastic bottles and jugs Glass (preferably not broken) Items you should never put in your bin: […]

  • What You Recycle has an Impact on What Becomes New Products!


    If you want to make sure the paper products that you place at the front curb have a better chance of becoming new products, don’t even think about tossing plastic grocery bags or greasy pizza boxes in to your recycling bins. Chicago area recycling companies are urging residents and business to be mindful of what […]

  • DIY Embroidery-Hoop Photo Frames!


    Jessica Marquez gives black-and-whites extra charisma in this idea from her book, Stitched Gifts ($19.95; Chronicle). Step 1: For each of your prints, select an embroidery hoop that’s slightly larger than the photo: a seven-inch-diameter hoop for a 3×5; a nine-inch-diameter hoop for a 4×6 (for similar hoops, from $2.09 for 7″ diam.; ). Step […]

  • 5 Amazing Home DIY Projects!


    We all love little projects that don’t take much time and take even less money to complete! Check out these 5 ideas to get you started on DIYing your home today! 1. There’s No Place Like Home Art Reward a great quote (we cribbed from The Wizard of Oz) with the gallery treatment, courtesy of […]
