Are You Aware of these Benefits of Interactive Digital Kiosks?

By Alex Mardikian

Interactive kiosks are proliferating at a rate faster than that exhibited by mobile phones. Retail businesses are adopting digital interactive kiosks because the technology enables easy shopping, lets you gather valuable data, and offers many other businesses. Research shows that retailers are eager to install interactive kiosks on their premises.

If your business wishes to harness the power of DOOH, then consider interactive kiosks along with other systems such as VODXS. Together, these two systems can let you communicate with individuals in myriad ways. For example, information gathered through an interactive poll or quiz on a kiosk can be used to display relevant messaging via VODXS.

Here are the major benefits of digital kiosks –

  1. Low costs – Interactive kiosks help bring down costs because they can replace employees. Existing employees can focus on tasks that are crucial and will help your business save money.
  2. Efficiency – Digital kiosks improve efficiency and free up space because these enable self-service. The staff can dedicate time to other activities that are not repetitive, boring, mundane, and ones that contribute more to the top line.
  3. Better customer service – Customers experience better service due to easy wayfinding, smooth registrations, and quicker service.
  4. More sales – Messages flashed on kiosks can boost conversions. Self-service lifts sales. The time saved due to kiosks encourages customers to spend more time browsing items and making purchases instead of searching for relevant products.
  5. Data acquisition – Digital kiosks serve as posts for data gathering. Feedback from customers can be factored to make instant decisions and provide a better experience.
  6. Interactivity – The engagement between businesses and customers is facilitated through interactive kiosks. It encourages an investment of time by prospects, thereby boosting the chances of a purchase. Interactive kiosks offer an opportunity to acquire a prospect’s trust by providing accurate information. You can upsell and cross-sell through these kiosks.


Kiosks, essentially, are a great way to add to the existing marketing that you’re deploying for your business. With digital kiosks, you can add an extra dimension to the experience you’re offering. And this dimension is something that savvy online shoppers appreciate. It’s a degree of independence that they’ve grown accustomed to while shopping online.

A customer can access a loyalty program or execute actions sanctioned by the Artificial Intelligence running the kiosk. Kiosks enable personalization, and this makes shopping that much more pleasant for a customer.

Interactive kiosks enable product discovery and product purchase. Millennials expect to find digital kiosks at physical shopping locations so that they may be able to review reward points, redeem those points, and check out a large number of products displayed based on their earlier purchases.

According to the 2018 Kiosk Marketplace Census Report, kiosks are going to be important in a retail setup because these can perform both selling and servicing functions and will serve as one very important part of a multi-point digital platform.

Surveys show that kiosks perform two important functions – increasing sales and attracting new customers.

Self-ordering via kiosks makes it easier for businesses to generate upsells and cross-sells. The interactive kiosk can easily suggest purchases based on the order history. Kiosks reduce order fulfillment times. These benefits make self-service kiosks a great tool to have.

Any business that experiences queues can benefit from kiosks. Lines to dispense merchandize, food, coupons, information, tickets, etc. can be shortened by using kiosks.

Try-before-you-buy is another use that is really catching on in the garments, cosmetics, and footwear sector.

