Accountability and DOOH – An Opportunity for Advertisers to Regain Consumer Trust

By Alex Mardikian

Agencies and advertisers that have turned to DOOH are demanding better reporting so that their decision-making is as accurate as possible. Data, rather measurable data, is driving the digital media economy.

Today, DOOH can inform an audience in a manner not possible earlier because of technological limitations. Even savvy marketers of the earlier age were limited in terms of the accuracy and context of messaging because they did not have the data at the right time. DOOH gives advertisers that data and the ability to leverage it. VODXS is an example of how DOOH can let businesses reach hitherto untargeted audiences and that too at a very personal level. VODXS faucet ad systems are already in place in washrooms in public places across the U.S, and businesses are reporting favorable reactions from the community.

DOOH is also an opportunity to win back waning consumer and audience trust that has somehow eroded over the years. One of the reasons is that businesses have promised more than they can deliver, often because they did not have the data to act at the right time, or because of resource crunches.

For DOOH to make its value felt, it must stand up to scrutiny. It’s inevitable and follows and increase in business and wider public acceptance. Not just consumers but even marketers crave trust. They want dependable information because they take crucial decisions based on such information.

Owner, agency, and customer have to work together to ensure the medium’s accountability. Such accountability flows from a pooling of resources to gather data, vet it, and use it to manage the campaign. This is the only way advertisers can derive maximum value for the dollars they spend on DOOH. Clients need to be provide a clear brief. They need data to come up with a clear brief. Agencies need data so that the content can be displayed to the right audience. It’s no longer about achieving the numbers. The numbers have to make sense.

Right now, audience measurement is getting a lot of attention in the world of outdoor advertising. Sophisticated techniques and proprietary tools are being used to determine the number of users reached, gender, age, engagement levels, transaction data, behavioral insight, and other metrics that marketers can put in front of a client for effective decision making.

As far as transparency is concerned, distributed blockchain technology has come up as the best solution for transparency issues related to DOOH. Advertisers can rest easy that with blockchain in the mix, they will not be swindled by fly-by-night operators. Transactions happen in the open. Transactions cannot be faked. Advertisers can trust networks that use blockchain because they can see where they money is going. The risk of ad fraud is rendered negligible because advertisers are provided with firm receipts. You can track how your ad budget is being used, and learn about your preferred merchants.

