Tag: paper

  • Glass, paper might no longer be recycled in Tucson


    The glass bottles and newspapers that Tucsonans have put into blue recycling bins for decades may soon be heading to the landfill. Because of sharply escalating financial losses in the city’s recycling program, officials say it might have to stop taking these recycling mainstays until markets recover nationally or globally. The markets for these products […]

  • American Cities Dealing With Recycling After China Ban


    One year ago, China stopped accepting most American scrap plastic and cardboard, throwing a wrench into U.S. recycling programs. Now, cities and towns across the U.S. are dealing with piles of homeless plastic with no clear destination. Many have stopped recycling altogether or dramatically scaled back their recycling programs. Douglas County, Oregon, stopped accepting plastic […]

  • How and When to Recycle Magazines and Old Paper


    By Alex Mardikian Recycling books and magazines is a good idea. Reusing these is an even better one. Do you know that each ton of recycled paper can save up to 3 cubic yards of space in landfill, 380 gallons of oil and save 17 trees from being cut down? It also saves 4000kilowatt of […]

  • Will Batteries Now be Made Out of Paper?


    If biodegradable, paper-based batteries created at Binghamton University, State University of New York, become a reality and gain mass acceptance, it will be a huge step towards the efforts for a clean and pollution free environment. Such batteries will greatly reduce pollution, particularly in places like Hawaii where land is at a premium, and landfills […]

  • Ditch the Paper Towels and Opt in for an Eco-Friendly Option!


    When it comes to cleaning up around the house, few tools are as convenient as the trusty paper towel roll. But, like most things we use once and then throw away, these aren’t the most eco-friendly. Made from wood fibers that are broken down and dyed with bleach, paper towels require a lot of water […]

  • What You SHOULD Recycle!


    The company says all recyclables should be empty, clean and dry — meaning they are free of food and liquid. Never put recyclables in bags or containers. Items you can put in your recycling bin: Paper and cardboard Metal cans Plastic bottles and jugs Glass (preferably not broken) Items you should never put in your bin: […]

  • What You Recycle has an Impact on What Becomes New Products!


    If you want to make sure the paper products that you place at the front curb have a better chance of becoming new products, don’t even think about tossing plastic grocery bags or greasy pizza boxes in to your recycling bins. Chicago area recycling companies are urging residents and business to be mindful of what […]
