Health, Family & Lifestyle Books Feature Strongly in LibraryBub Selection for April

LibraryBub is a service that helps thousands of librarians discover bestselling and award-winning books from the independent publishing sector. It works with all major libraries and is the industry’s first service connecting indie & small-press authors with libraries. LibraryBub was founded in 2016 by international bestselling author Alinka Rutkowska. As a successful indie author, she helps thousands of other authors achieve self-publishing success through her books, newsletters, courses and coaching.

LibraryBub relishes its role in assisting librarians with the selection of remarkable books from the independent publishing sector.  One international city’s library service describes its book selection process: a central team is required to “take into account a wide range of criteria to inform the decision”. These include the accuracy and currency of the content of the book; the suitability of the format; the clarity of its presentation; its value for money; how the book compares with other titles on the same subject; and whether the author is known and in demand. With this last point in mind, as a new feature this month, LibraryBub will include short author profiles with its weekly feature on highlighted books.

The April list of outstanding titles by self-publishing authors appears below. The selected books have been well-received by readers and critics alike and some are already Amazon best sellers in their categories. Many of these books have won awards within the independent publishing sector. Award-winning novelist, Madeleine L’Engle, espoused a belief that “to be a librarian… is to be a nourisher, to share stories, offer books full of new ideas”.  LibraryBub CEO Alinka Rutkowska is passionate about the service’s capacity to introduce librarians to the innovative writing of self-publishing authors so that they can nourish their word-hungry readers.

Below is April’s selection by category:


Literature & Fiction

Unrest: a coming-of-age story beneath the Alborz Mountains by Sandra Ann Heath ISBN 978-0996551717

Mystery & Thriller

Hellbound by Chester D. Campbell ISBN: 978-0986162206

The Last Moriarty (Book One of the Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery series) by Charles Veley ISBN: 978-1477829721

The Wilhelm Conspiracy (Book Two of the Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery series) by Charles Veley ISBN: 978-1503940352

Remember, Remember (Book Three of the Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery series) by Anna Elliott and Charles Veley ISBN: 978-0999119112

The Crown Jewel Mystery (Book Four of the Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery series) by Anna Elliott and Charles Veley ISBN: 978-0999119105

The Jubilee Problem (Book Five of the Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery series) by Anna Elliott and Charles Veley ISBN: 978-0999119129

Death at the Diogenes Club (Book Six of the Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery series) by Anna Elliott and Charles Veley ISBN: 978-0999119136

Paper, Scissors, Death (Book One of the Kiki Lowenstein Mystery series) by Joanna Campbell Slan ISBN: 978-1543022360


LoveQuest by Pamela Jean Horter-Moore ISBN: 978-1943924318


Ziggy Catches a Cold (Book One of the Ziggy the Iggy series) by Corinne Schmid ISBN:  978-0994730619

Lamellia: The Wicked Queen by Gloria D. Gonsalves ISBN: 978-1546287667



Engagement Whisperer: a quieter and more collaborative approach to inspiring your team by Tracy Stanley ISBN: 978-0648189206

Health, Family & Lifestyle

How to Survive the Worst That Can Happen: a parent’s step-by-step guide to healing after the loss of a child by Sandy Peckinpah ISBN: 978-1452582269

Raising Kids with Love, Honor, and Respect: recipes for success by Edie Jones ISBN: 978-1629012162


Arlington Anthology: Field of Honor by Ron MacDonald ISBN: 978-1478769675

The Decline of Democratic Society in the New Age by Giovanni Soriano ISBN: 978-1525516849


Reframe Your Viewpoints: harness stress and anxiety  transform it into peace and confidence by Virginia Ritterbusch ISBN:  978-0692892510


Australian Memories: discover Aussie Land and the mysterious red center (Book One of the Travels and Adventures series) by Ndeye Labadens ISBN: 978-1520435152

Relocation without Dislocation: make new friends and keep the old (Book Two of the Travels and Adventures series) byNdeye Labadens ISBN: 978-1540695062

“After LibraryBub’s mailing, over a thousand librarians clicked through to my book,” says LibraryBub author Rosemary A. Johns. “I’m a British fantasy author and so have no way to connect to American libraries. Alinka’s service was exactly what I needed. I spent my teenage years avidly borrowing books from libraries or curled up in the corner of one; being able to share my books in libraries (as well as bookstores and online) is something I’m passionate about. This service made that possible in a big way.”

Librarians are invited to sign up for LibraryBub at

